Quick question: When was the last time a company’s messaging moved you? 

If you have an answer in mind, here’s a follow-up question: Was that company – in a sector that is bringing to market a highly engineered product addressing a specific need?

Chances are, that answer is a resounding no. The technology industry or companies with the best engineers and developers tend to have a reputation for leading with jargon and delivering difficult-to-understand messages without the finesse and clarity audiences need. 

Effectively conveying complex ideas and innovations can mean the difference between gaining a new client and losing them to a competitor. In this blog, we’ll talk about why clear messaging matters more than ever and how you can perfect it. 

How You Communicate in Tech Matters 

New technologies are popping up practically every day, but how are audiences coming to understand how these products work and why they matter?  Better yet, what happens if they don’t clearly understand what these technologies do?

The cost of miscommunication can be substantial, leading to misunderstandings, lost opportunities, and a damaged reputation.  

And that doesn’t just happen from lackluster communication. It could come from communicating the right way to the wrong audience. Here is an example of how a strong, clear message can set a company apart. 

Let’s dig in a little deeper to understand why who you’re communicating with matters as much as how you’re communicating a message. 

Related: Why Words Matter 

Speak Your Audience’s Language 

Effective communication begins with a deep understanding of your audience. Identifying key audience segments—such as business leaders, IT professionals, or end-users—allows you to tailor your messaging to their specific needs and expectations.

Each group has different concerns and levels of technical expertise, and your messaging should reflect that.  One way to get to know your audience is to conduct buyer interviews. This is how you uncover important insights like: 

  • What triggers your buyers to search for a solution 
  • What expectations your audience have with your offering 
  • What stands in your buyer’s way to making a purchase 
  • What your audience’s “must haves” are in a solution 
  • How buyers begin the process of identifying potential vendors  

All those insights form the foundation of effective communication. By getting those answers, you can more accurately touch on your buyers’ concerns, address their biggest obstacles, and highlight their “must haves” in your messaging. 

Not to mention, those insights will help you figure out how to deliver your message. Depending on who your audience is, you can learn to avoid common jargon that might create a significant barrier to understanding.

While tech experts might find specialized terms second nature, they can alienate or confuse less knowledgeable audiences. Translating complex concepts into clear, everyday language helps bridge this gap.    Take this before-and-after for example: 

  • Jargon: “Our solution leverages advanced algorithms for real-time data analysis.” 
  • Plain English: “Our tool quickly processes data, so you get answers in seconds.” 

See how much more memorable the second option is (on top of being simpler to understand)? Let’s go over how to execute that level of clarity in your brand voice.  

Related: Don’t Guess How Customers Decide: Do Buyer Interviews 

Crafting and Executing a Compelling Brand Voice 

Your brand voice is more than just a tone; it’s the heartbeat of your messaging. Defining and consistently applying your brand voice helps you stand out and be memorable.

This voice should be maintained across all communication channels to build a strong, cohesive identity.  One way to accomplish this is to tell a story. Yes, even technology can be a form of storytelling!

Weaving narratives around your technology can make your message more relatable. Instead of just listing features, share stories about how your technology solves real-world problems or improves users’ lives. 

Here’s a quick primer on what makes for an effective brand message—from start to finish.  Keep in mind that not all stories will land, so be open to internal and audience feedback along with shifting industry trends. Ask yourself: Is this story relevant to what my audience is experiencing right now?  

Staying informed on what your audience cares about is a way you can build trust and credibility. By delivering a timely, relevant message, your audience will know you don’t just understand who they are—but that you understand and care about the same things.   Of course, these strategies are the foundation of your overall marketing strategy.

A solid marketing strategy helps you align your messaging with what your buyers want to see. Efficient resource allocation and strategic planning maximize every communication effort.

And measuring success through key metrics—such as engagement rates, conversion rates, and audience feedback—helps keep you on track.  But do you have the resources in place to build and execute that kind of strategy? We can help. 

Related: How Fractional CMOs Can Help You Rebrand Effectively 

Strong Leadership, Strong Communication


Effective messaging is more than just words on a page. It comes with a host of planning and strategy behind it—the likes of which require a strong leader. 

An experienced CMO can fill that role for your organization, but only if you have the budget for one.  Or, you can get all the expertise of a full-time CMO—but at a fraction of the cost—with a fractional CMO.

Fractional CMOs have a long history of helping organizations like yours begin a rebrand, refine their message, identify their audience, and so much more.  Curious how it all works?

Click here to schedule a free, no-obligation call with me and let’s explore how we can scale your business to the next level.