Jay Gordman

 Co-Founder, CMO

Jay Gordman

Co-Founder & CMO

Omaha, Nebraska

Jay Gordman has been called “Tactegic” for his ability to blend strategic thinking and tactical execution to achieve measurable results.

Meet Jay

Jay Gordman is a successful 20+ year marketing professional helping companies across multiple industries grow revenue and profits using a broad range of marketing and sales strategies.

He has a deep understanding of the challenges companies face when trying to balance the diverse components of growing revenue through a complex web of marketing and sales channels.

How Jay has helped his clients…

  • Developed a new marketing campaign plan and enhanced the digital brand experience for a multi-location senior living company that grew census over 25%.
  • Adjusted marketing plan and arranged seasonal advertising spend to better reach target audience during prime buyer seasons resulting in 20% growth.
  • Implemented an inside sales process, refined their sales steps, and created marketing messaging to leverage the appropriate sales steps which drove over 40 introductory meetings in 90 days.
  • Developed a customer retention program for a multi-location dental practice that resulted in 70 additional appointments during the second slowest month of the year. This program is now utilized monthly to re-engage inactive patients
  • Grew e-commerce sales by 33% and profits by 300% by creating a simpler shopping experience and developing new digital channels including pay-per-click and affiliate marketing.

Industry Expertise:


Industrial Sales

Senior Living







  • Lead Generation
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing Automation
  • Consumer Research
  • Virtual Team Leadership
  • Content Strategy
  • Sales and Marketing Alignment
  • Strategic Planning
  • Positioning and Differentiation
  • Plan and Budget Development
  • Brand Strategy & Management
  • Sales & Marketing Alignment
  • Software Evaluation and Integration
  • Executive and Marketing Team Coaching


Published Works

The Old Job Ad is Dead

The Old Job Ad is Dead

You have a challenge: You are struggling to get quality people to respond to your job ads.
Not having the right people in your company is hurting your growth and adding pressure to your team. You are Frustrated: It shouldn’t be so hard to hire good people…

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Where did the money go?!

Where did the money go?!

It’s not uncommon for business owners to peruse their expense reports, looking for the answer to: “Where did all the money go!?” And when your accountant points to a large slice of pie labeled “marketing,” you certainly wouldn’t be the first entrepreneur to say, “Ah-ha! That’s where we need to make cuts!”

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2626 North 170th Ave,

Omaha NE 68116


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