Jay Gordman

yorGuide to Marketing Assistant Hiring Options

yorGuide to Marketing Assistant Hiring Options

It happened again: you hired a new, full-time marketing executive, only for them to leave after a few months. Or maybe you found a fantastic agency, but they can’t squeeze you into their schedule. Now, you’re looking for a new marketing assistant and feel like you’re back at square one.

The Old Job Ad is Dead

The Old Job Ad is Dead

You have a challenge: You are struggling to get quality people to respond to your job ads.
Not having the right people in your company is hurting your growth and adding pressure to your team. You are Frustrated: It shouldn’t be so hard to hire good people…

Where did the money go?!

Where did the money go?!

It’s not uncommon for business owners to peruse their expense reports, looking for the answer to: “Where did all the money go!?” And when your accountant points to a large slice of pie labeled “marketing,” you certainly wouldn’t be the first entrepreneur to say, “Ah-ha! That’s where we need to make cuts!”