Time escapes us all. It’s remarkably easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and week-to-week details of running a business, so by the time you come up for air with an eye toward planning ahead, the year is almost over. That said, as you formulate your plans for next year to achieve your primary business objectives from a marketing standpoint, keep this in mind: size is everything.

Before you let your imagination run wild, let me clarify – that’s not to say that bigger is necessarily better.

What you really should be aiming for is the Goldilocks zone: the right balance of budget, resources, and company-wide alignment that bring an effective and innovative marketing strategy to life.

While that may sound straightforward, it’s not as simple as drawing a direct correlation between the size of your business and your allotment for marketing. The “right size” depends on a number of factors such as your current rate of growth, your product, your ideal audience, brand awareness, and of course your long and short-term goals.

You don’t want to get caught up in a spending frenzy that doesn’t yield proportionate profits. Likewise, it would be a mistake to under-spend for the sake of savings right when your momentum depends on a solid promotion investment. The sweet spot for “right size” marketing in a company is highly individual, and finding it can be quite a journey in and of itself. Like any investment, there are risks involved, but you reduce those risks and the business benefits as a whole when you have a seasoned navigator. Someone who can analyze a myriad of factors with a keenly developed skill for determining a marketing budget and positioning strategy that’s not too big, not too small, but just right for you.

Figure out how best to “right size” your marketing by scheduling a call with yorCMO today. Contact Us Today!



About the Author:

Suzie is an accomplished Marketing professional with 12 years of broad exposure developing and leading strategic marketing efforts in support of company goals and brand growth.

Whether at a small business or a Fortune 500 company, Suzie is known for helping local and national organizations tell their stories in ways that generate results. She creates value through a disciplined strategic planning process that is built upon communication and accountability.

Prior to joining yorCMO, Suzie worked with a variety of industries including real estate, retail, higher education, pharmaceuticals and technology. She is a hands-on marketing executive who is skilled in positioning, analytics, messaging, branding, targeting and digital marketing. Suzie also brings the added advantage of a strong creative background including design, writing and art direction.