94% of business leaders say AI will be integral to their success in the next five years.

McKinsey research even predicts that AI will have an enormous financial impact on marketing, making it crucial to adopt and integrate.Ā 

In fact, if youā€™re not already using AI, youā€™re likely lagging behind your competitors.Ā 

But with new technologies come some friction. Marketers can be hesitant about using AI for a variety of reasons, including ethical concerns, worries about misinformation, and simple lack of understanding.Ā 

In this article, weā€™ll cover what AI is, how it can be applied effectively, what keeps marketers from adopting it fully, and the effect AI can have on your marketing efforts.

Why is AI Important in Marketing?

Marketers have a host of responsibilities, many of which can be automated through AI. 64% of business owners say that they expect AI to increase their productivity.

Because AI technologies can automate time-consuming tasks, analyze huge volumes of data, and provide suggestions about that data, marketers can get to work focusing on more important matters using the output of their AI tools, like creating more targeted, accurate, and efficient campaigns.Ā 

On the topic of campaigns, AI tools can be used to improve customer targeting and segment customers into specific groups, so marketers can target the right messaging to the right people. From there, AI can use that newly learned customer data to personalize the customer experienceā€”something more and more customers are now expecting out of their shopping experience.

Thereā€™s a lot to be gained by implementing AI-powered technologies in marketing. Letā€™s cover some of the most frequently used ways marketers leverage AI.Ā 

Related: Leveraging Technology: The Role of Automation in Marketing

Common Applications of AI in Marketing

AI is expected to drive about 45% of the global economy by 2023, showing just how diverse and impactful this area of technology can be. Because of that, marketers can expect to use AI for a host of different actions.Ā 

One way is to use AI to improve social ā€œlistening.ā€ AI technologies can collect and extract relevant data from different social media channels and help you understand what your customers and prospects are thinking about, so you can know what they want and deliver on those needs in a more accurate, targeted way.

Another common way marketers are using AI is for content generation. Natural language processing tools like ChatGPT, content-writing platforms like Jasper, and ad-writing platforms like Byword are just a few examples of tools that can learn how you speak and generate content for you.

One frequently used way marketers use AI is through automation. AI tools can schedule posts at optimal times, email customers about abandoned shopping carts, provide automated customer support through a chatbot system, and so much more.

Yet, despite these applications, many marketers are hesitant about adopting AI or increasing their AI usageā€”and there are practical reasons why. Letā€™s cover some of them.

Understanding the Resistance to Change

Marketers can have both internal and big-picture issues when it comes to using AI. One concern that many have comes down to accuracy. Many marketers have seen how content-generation AI technologies, for example, can produce inaccurate or misrepresented information. When that happens without proper vetting, a brandā€™s reputation can suffer.

Another concern that can damage brand reputation is overly homogeneous content. AI tools often learn through imitation, which means tools will lack the nuance and imagination that real marketers have. While AI-powered tools can be a great accompaniment, they shouldnā€™t be used as a standalone.

Among the most pressing challenges is the fear that marketers will be replaced by AI. A Gallup Poll found that about three-quarters of Americans AI will eliminate some jobs over the next 10 years. Itā€™s an understandable worry, but AI is best used as a toolā€”not as a replacement for human effort and creativityā€”and when used appropriately, it can empower marketers to focus their energy on more high-value projects.


6 Ways AI Can Transform Your Marketing Strategy


Applying AI wisely is key to avoiding the challenges many marketers have with the technology. Letā€™s cover 6 ways you can use AI to change the way marketing is done in your organization.

First, AI can help you know where your business is going. Essense AI, Research Studio AI, Supermetrics, and Tableau are just a few examples of tools that can help you set achievable, sustainable marketing goals and better understand your industry, market trends, and customer behaviors.

Second, the right AI tools can help you know your target audience. You can get to know their needs, preferences, and pain points, so you can create compelling messages and offerings that speak to them. AI can play a significant role by utilizing natural language processing (NLP) to gather insights from social media, customer reviews, and online discussions.Ā 

Third, AI can help you know your unique position in your industry and against your top competitors. AI tools can analyze customer data, feedback, and interactions to identify patterns and preferences. With this knowledge, you can position your offerings to demonstrate value and meet your customersā€™ needs.

Fourth, you can align sales and marketing using AI. AI can provide data-driven insights to ensure both departments are on the same page about their goals and responsibilities. Tools like sales forecasting AI can analyze historical sales data and market trends to assist in goal-setting and operational efficiency.

Fifth, you can create a cadence for planning and accountability with AI. Project management tools, for example, can improve stakeholder collaboration, ensuring everyone is updated and aware of their roles and responsibilities. AI can also monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) and provide real-time insights to assess progress, so you can make changes as needed.

Sixth, you can create a structured approach to advertising by optimizing your marketing investments and knowing whatā€™s driving the best results using AI. Some tools, like supermetrics.com, can consolidate data from various marketing platforms, giving you a comprehensive view of your marketing performance. From there, you can optimize your budget and make data-driven decisions.

Related: The Symbiotic Relationship Between AI and CMOs

Not Sure Where to Start?

The world of AI is going to look different a few years from now. As the technology continues to change, you can expect the way we use it will, too.Ā 

If you want to get primed on how marketers are using AI today and practical ways you can start implementing it in your organization, check out The Role of AI in Marketing: Smart Strategies for Maximum Impact.

The guide will walk you through how you can use AI to improve the customer experience, increase sales, and boost your overall business performance. Youā€™ll also see how your peers are using AI, which tools theyā€™ve found the most success with, and what takeaways they can share from their experience.

Need guidance knowing how to best use AI to enhance your marketing approach?

Ā Check out The Role of AI in Marketing for practical advice and insights from real-world peers.