sales and marketing


By 2030, AI is expected to generate over $15 trillion for the global economy, according to a study by Price Waterhouse Cooper.

Marketing is one field that is expected to be especially impacted, with new tools emerging regularly. Nowadays, marketers are expected to see and use AI in various marketing activities, like generating content, collecting customer data, performing large-scale data analyses, and more.Ā 

If you need a quick primer on a few ways you can integrate AI into your existing marketing approach, consider this blog your quick-start guide.Ā 

Letā€™s cover 5 of the most common applications of AI in marketing and ways you can start adopting these tools and technologies into your own organization.

Create Content Faster

One way youā€™ve likely seen marketers use AIā€”even if youā€™ve yet to try it yourselfā€”is content generation. From social media posts to subject lines to full-blown blogs, there are content generation tools available for almost any content form factor.

Youā€™re likely familiar with tools like ChatGPT and HubSpot for this purpose. Inputting a topic and some direction with yield some pretty impressive results, but keep in mind that AI-generated content should just be used to start a project.

Your expert touch is important for making AI-generated content more high-quality, accurate, and human-sounding. Using AI for content generation is an excellent idea to get ideas on paper faster, so you and your team spend less time staring at a blank document. Weā€™ve all been there!

Related: Speaking Your Customerā€™s Language

Get Personal

90% of marketers say that personalization improves their organizationā€™s profitability, according to a Google survey.

While personalization is an asset, itā€™s often hard to execute on a large scale with limited resources (and often, people). This is where AI can be especially handy

AI can personalize the way a customer experiences a website, a social media post, and even an email depending on the audience. Even if someone hasnā€™t filled out a form on your website, the right AI tool can assess how to target your content to that person using information about their online behavior.

That means things like browsing data, purchasing history, and social media interactions can all teach AI how to personalize your material to your audience.Ā 

And personalization isnā€™t just limited to the type of content your prospects will see from you. Chatbots are another way to get more personal with your audience. Chatbots use natural language processing (NLP) to solve common challenges your customers might be facing, steer them in the direction of other pages or products on your site, and nurture leads.

Drift is a great example of a chatbot that doesnā€™t just stick to a pre-programmed list of questions and responses. This means customers who ask a brand-new question will still get an answer.

Predict Performance and Sales

AI canā€™t exactly help you see the futureā€”but it can get pretty close.

Some AI tools can help you determine the likelihood of a marketing campaign going well by using historical data. Things like email open rates, the time customers spend on your page, the amount of engagement you receive on social media, the volume of purchases, and other numbers factor into the overall evaluation.

This means you can spend more time on actions that drive sales and produce a better ROI, which is especially crucial for small teams with tight budgets and resources.

Related: From Impressions To Conversions: How To Track Your Marketing Effectiveness and ROIĀ 

Automate Email Marketing

AI has big potential in the email marketing space, and the tools available to you in this area are plentiful.

One way many marketers are using AI is to determine the sending frequency of their email campaigns. Tools can determine the right time to send an email to recipients to eliminate missing opportunities orā€”on the opposite endā€”burning out prospects by emailing them too often.

You can also use AI to automatically send customized emails for a variety of purposes, including order confirmations, abandoned cart reminders, sales notifications, and more.Ā 

You can even use AI to help you make sure youā€™re emailing the right people. AI cleanup tools can eliminate low-quality leads or inactive emails from your list regularly, so your efforts actually land.Ā 

These efforts all cut down tremendously on your overall marketing budget, helping you allocate resources where theyā€™ll make the biggest impact.

Related: The Hidden Burden of Marketing Debt

Get SEO SavvyĀ 

SEO is integral in nearly every organizationā€™s marketing strategy, but itā€™s a full-time jobā€”or a job that requires an external agencyā€”to gather keywords, create content around those keywords, and keep track of performance.Ā 

AI-powered SEO tools can really cut down on the burden here. Some tools use algorithms to analyze traffic and find the right keywords for your needs. These tools can track your competitorsā€™ activity, so you can keep pace with their SEO rankings. And you can use those insights to understand your customersā€™ preferences betterā€”and create more informed content using that information. is one example of a tool that performs keyword research, creates content, and optimizes that content for SEO, so it ranks well.Ā 

Related: The Essence of SEO: Understanding How Your Customer Thinks

Dive Deeper into AI

Weā€™ve covered some common applications of AI in marketing, but if youā€™re really looking to become an expert in the subject, check out The Role of AI in Marketing: Smart Strategies for Maximum Impact.

The free eBook will show you how to build AI into the foundation of your marketing strategy and select the best technologies for your purposes.


Need guidance knowing how to best use AI to enhance your marketing approach?

Check out The Role of AI in Marketing for practical advice and insights from real-world peers.