Poor marketing performance can be a frustrating, expensive roadblock.Ā 

When youā€™ve invested in the growth of your business and you donā€™t see the anticipated results, it can be a struggle to identify which marketing tactics are working, which arenā€™t, and how to move forward to achieve desired outcomes.

In this post, weā€™ll examine:

  • How lack of insight is often the root cause of poor marketing performance
  • How insufficiencies in your marketing campaign can be identified
  • What can happen when you donā€™t have a clear strategy to address the issues
  • How to solve marketing problems with a proven, practical tool that gets results

How Lack of Insight Leads to Poor Marketing Performance

Modern consumer behavior ā€“ and, therefore, the current marketing landscape ā€“ is complex. So while every business knows that keeping up with key performance metrics is essential, knowing what to do with all that data is often unclear.Ā 

Itā€™s easy to lose sight of the big picture when youā€™re buried in data. Are you focused on the wrong campaigns? Does the issue lie within internal alignment? Is the quality of the data itself poor?

If you want to drive business results from all that information, what you need are insights.

Insights are developed from analyzing the data in the context of your audience and business as a whole, drawing conclusions, and formulating a practical strategy that connects those conclusions to desired results.Ā 

In other words: meaningful insights are the difference between lackluster marketing and a laser-focused campaign that drives action.

Finding Solutions and Getting Results

As CMOs, we speak with businesses that struggle with poor marketing performance every day. Thatā€™s why we developed a simple, yet holistic approach to marketing that lays the groundwork for increased revenue and business growth.Ā 

Using our six marketing fundamentals as a guide, we clear the data fog with a comprehensive marketing audit. During our audit, we conduct an extensive analysis of all aspects of the clientā€™s business, their consumers, the current market landscape, and the alignment of their internal employees.Ā 

The results of the audit deliver:

  • A clear picture of the clientā€™s current marketing plan and its execution
  • Valuable insights to help guide them forward
  • Recommendations designed for immediate implementation

Knowing exactly where to invest your finances, time, and energy eliminates frustration and forges a clear path to success.

Insights in Action

Letā€™s look at the experience yorCMO Rich Taylor had with a dental implant provider who was frustrated by the poor marketing performance of his practice. For this client, Rich conducted a marketing audit, during which he surveyed key stakeholders and customers and analyzed all available metrics. With his auditā€™s results, Rich was able to identify the specific problems within the clientā€™s marketing strategy and connect the dots to actionable solutions, organized by impact.Ā 

Partnering with this client to align and prioritize marketing efforts according to this structure over the following 90 days resulted in a 17.5% increase in leads and a 20% increase in prospect arrivals, all while reducing the budget by 40%.

The client stopped wasting resources on strategies that werenā€™t working, got clear on the specific actions that would connect him to his target market, and landed the results heā€™d been looking for.Ā 

How yorCMO Makes Marketing Simple


Business owners know that marketing metrics are important, but without clear and actionable insights on their data, they often end up throwing resources at multiple marketing tactics to see what sticks.

Our system delivers a dependable, sustainable path to success, individualized to accommodate your unique marketing needs. With practical, results-driven strategies in place, you can be confident that your marketing dollars will do exactly what they were intended to do ā€“ drive sales and grow your business.

And unlike other marketing consultants, we employ a hands-on approach to marketing solutions, integrating with your business as your fiduciary partner and guiding you to success.

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You donā€™t have to waste another dime on the wrong marketing moves.Ā 

Gaining clear insights from your current marketing practices and performance and building a clear path forward is the simple, effective strategy toward consistent growth.

If youā€™re ready to bust through your marketing roadblocks and tackle your business goals, contact us for a free consultation so we can chat about your business and determine whether weā€™re a good fit for your marketing needs.