Are you considering a rebrand?

Most companies undergo a rebrand of some kind every 7 to 10 years, but that doesn’t mean completely overhauling your brand and starting from scratch.

But as the market landscape, customer expectations, and even social climates change, many companies will need to embark on a rebrand to make sure their company stays relevant rather than get left behind as more nimble competitors take flight.

This blog explores how fractional Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) play a pivotal role in guiding businesses through the intricate process of rebranding, ensuring a seamless transition that enhances market position and reinforces brand identity.

We’ll cover how to know when it’s time for a rebrand, how fractional CMOs can help with a rebrand, and how to build and execute a rebranding strategy with your fractional CMO.

How to Know You’re Due for a Rebrand

Your cue that it’s time to rebrand can come from both external and internal sources. Things like outdated market feedback, declining customer engagement, and even shifting trends in the market can tell you that your brand has fallen out of favor in some way. 

Similarly, you may have noticed that the direction of your company—including your overall message and mission statement—no longer aligns with the way your brand has been presenting itself. And if that’s the case, your rebranding process may be more about catching up with the way your brand has actually been working.

Or, perhaps you’ve noticed that your company is just not consistently branded—even if your overall messaging is accurate. Maybe your site has conflicting colors, fonts, and imagery. Maybe your products and solutions have entirely new names. A rebrand can help you become more consistent and ensure your consumers are getting the same high-quality content no matter how or where they engage with you.

While there are a slew of reasons to rebrand, knowing when—and how—to start can be made even easier by pulling in an expert source. We’ll cover that next.

Related: Building Your Own Brand: Unleashing Your True Potential

How Fractional CMOs Enhance Rebranding

Bringing on a fractional CMO is a lot like hiring a full-time CMO—but at a fraction of the cost. Fractional CMOs still bring specialized expertise and strategic guidance that can be transformative for businesses lacking internal marketing leadership, and unlike an outside agency, they’re fully engaged with your business and your unique goals.

Fractional CMOs come with years of industry experience to navigate complex rebranding challenges. Here are a few real-world examples of how fractional CMOs have made rebrands not just possible, but successful:

Those are just a few examples of the level of expertise that fractional CMOs bring to the table. But one thing that sets fractional CMOs apart from other marketing consultants is their ability to provide an unbiased viewpoint rooted in data-driven insights—the likes of which a company might not be able to recognize without help.

But they don’t just deliver the data. Fractional CMOs are experts in developing and executing a cohesive rebranding strategy aligned with business goals. That means focusing on the steps that matter—such as prioritizing a website, finding what sets your brand apart from the competition, or nailing down your brand voice—to maximize impact.

So, what does that process actually entail?

Related: Driving Brand Growth with the Right Leadership

Creating and Executing a Rebranding Strategy with a Fractional CMO

Collaborating with a fractional CMO on your rebrand involves several key steps. 

The first step often means defining what a rebrand looks like for you. This could mean fresh colors, a newer logo, and a catchier tagline. Or, it could mean an entire overhaul of your website. Or, you may need to build a brand narrative from the ground up. Depending on what’s driving the need for your rebrand, your approach will likely differ from company to company.

From there, the CMO will conduct market research, analyze market trends, and assess competitor strategies. They may also conduct buyer interviews to determine if your audience and your message align and how to overcome any purchasing hurdles your prospects are facing.

Using the information gathered in the research phase, the fractional CMO will work with you to clearly define your brand identity and values. You’ll clarify what your brand stands for, how it should be perceived, and what you can do to reflect that brand identity. 

This often involves visual signifiers, such as logos, color schemes, and typography, but it’s often more prevalent in your messaging. You and your fractional CMO will work to establish consistent communication styles across all channels using a single source of truth—usually in the form of a branding document.

Together, you and the fractional CMO will roll out the rebrand internally and externally. You will engage and align with internal teams to embrace the new brand direction. Then, you will communicate the changes transparently to customers and stakeholders. 

But a rebrand isn’t final the moment your new logo is out the door. An important step is managing the transition smoothly and addressing challenges quickly as needed. If you and the fractional CMO quickly realize something isn’t landing, you can work to pivot as needed, so your brand voice can carry you forth for years to come.

Related: What is Evergreen Marketing?

Is There a Rebrand in Your Future?

Rebranding isn’t just about a fresh look; it’s about strategic evolution that positions your business for sustained success. 

By partnering with a fractional CMO, you can harness specialized skills and strategic insights to navigate the complexities of rebranding with confidence, ensuring your brand remains relevant, cohesive, and competitive.

Not sure how to start? Schedule a 30-minute, no-obligation call with our team of expert fractional CMOs to see what your rebrand process will entail.