Business owners looking to scale their business usually understand that marketing is a pivotal driver of sales and revenue. In their efforts to cut costs, many businesses attempt ā€œDIYā€ marketing, and the results are often poor.Ā 

But you donā€™t have to break the bank to gain an effective, results-driven strategy and hands-on talent that gets the job done. In fact, meandering in your marketing with unfocused efforts and poor execution often ends up costing more.

In this post, weā€™ll show you how to break through plateauing growth to achieve real results with the low-cost leadership of a fractional CMO and a virtual team packed with talent ā€“ all at a fraction of the cost of traditional in-house marketing staff.

The Unexpected Cost of DIY Marketing

Ā The internet is full of ā€œDIYā€ marketing how-tos that can teach you tips and tricks, but the reality of the marketing landscape is that experience matters; each facet of marketing requires a specialized skill set you canā€™t learn overnight. And when youā€™ve only got a few hours per week to dedicate yourself to your marketing, itā€™s impossible to create the consistent, high-quality content that good campaigns require.Ā 

There are a lot of cogs in the marketing machine ā€“ data analysis, branding, graphic design, copywriting, and more ā€“ and few business owners have the time to become experts on all of them. Every hour you spend trying to learn the right skills, strategize, and generate content is time spent away from your core responsibilities, and it wonā€™t take long to see the negative impact on your bottom line.

When done well, your companyā€™s marketing efforts should:

  • Employ targeted campaigns based on insights derived from expert-level data analysis
  • Elevate your business with professional branding and optimized user experience
  • Foster consumer awareness and trust with fresh, engaging content on a consistent basis
  • Draw in your audience with messaging that resonates and converts

If youā€™ve been spinning your wheels without seeing the desired results ā€“ itā€™s time for a change.

How a Fractional CMO Gets Results for Less

To break down how a company can achieve growth without funding a marketing department to handle it all, weā€™ll look to an example from yorCMO Jamie Coffey.

One business owner wanted to increase sales while keeping his marketing costs low. He initially attempted to do it himself with the assistance of one other person on a part-time basis. Unfortunately, he soon found that his efforts were falling flat and that he could not continue to ā€œdo it allā€.Ā 

He wasnā€™t aware of the best outlets and programs to leverage in order to reach desired audiences and was investing too much of his time.

Thatā€™s when Jamieā€™s expertise was sought out to turn things around. She began by conducting a comprehensive marketing audit, and with those results, she gained a clear view of the needs of the business and built a holistic strategy to move toward increased sales and revenue.Ā 

Jamie then hired needed remote part-time talent to fill in the gaps of the marketing team to implement the new marketing plan. The result was a highly-skilled, full-service virtual marketing team that hit the ground running, getting immediate results and ultimately producing targeted programs, events, and campaigns that attracted ideal clients.

With new systems in place, projects got done faster and more effectively than ever before ā€“ and the cost was a fraction of the standard rate of traditional on-staff marketing.

In fact, the entire 7-person virtual team of 1099 hires cost a total of ~$230K ā€“ a cost similar to just one or two full-time marketing executives.

Today, the companyā€™s marketing drives 50% of overall revenue in new business which includes marketing lead source conversions that represent 20% of their overall revenue.

Furthermore, because the virtual workforce was already in place before the onset of COVID-19, this clientā€™s marketing activities were not impacted by the shutdown brought on by the pandemic.

Why yorCMO?

Weā€™ve seen that as a business owner, your time is best spent where you excel ā€“ running your business. And while outsourcing your marketing needs is a clear choice for lightening your load and speeding you toward success, we know you want to make sure you choose the right leadership for your business.

At yorCMO, we believe that a talented virtual workforce, when organized correctly, makes marketing both successful and cost-effective. By bringing on a fractional CMO, Jamieā€™s client gained all the direction and talent necessary to pave the way toward his companyā€™s success, freeing him up to do his own important work.

We built this business model as a way to provide companies with all the customized expertise of a CMO at a fraction of the cost. We show you how to spend money on the right things right now to fast-track your growth, and then we stay on, invested in your company as your fiduciary partner, to hold your team and vendors accountable and to ensure your continued success with a sustainable cadence thatā€™s easy to follow.

Get a Free Consult with yorCMO

A dedicated marketing focus is critical to ensure youā€™re hitting your sales targets and financial goals ā€“ but it doesnā€™t have to be an expensive headache.

Stop the struggle and get clear direction with low-cost leadership thatā€™s been proven to get results, time and time again.

Book a free 30-minute consultation today to see if our model is the right fit for your business.

For updates, marketing tips, and value-packed business content, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin.

About the author:

Jamie CoffeyĀ is a high-energy marketing executive that thrives on helping organizations maximize their marketing spend to drive sales results.

(703) 755-5774


Connect with Jamie on LinkedIn