The phrase goes, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” I think we can all agree that trying something repeatedly and watching it not work out is definitely maddening. That’s kind of where we were when it came to working with businesses and non-profits on marketing.

We kept seeing that a lot of business owners simply didn’t have a strong grasp on marketing at a strategic level and so they were wasting lots of resources relying on disparate tactics. They were basically throwing away money on things like social media, SEO, TV ads, print ads – all of which have a huge impact when used correctly – without knowing how to organize their efforts into a broader plan informed by business objectives and targeting customers’ buying habits. That’s like a General being blindfolded and selecting troops, weapons, and routes at random ahead of a battle. You might get lucky every once in a blue moon, but most of the time it simply doesn’t work. We also saw good consultants trying to solve the problem in a project-focused way that could be frustrating for both the consultant and the business. It was a short term band aid on an issue that needed a long-term solution.

So, we decided to innovate.

And like any good innovators, we kept on trying (different things). We thought, we worked, we watched, we learned, and at one point we met in a coffee shop and started sketching out our idea on a napkin. As one does.

We thought – well, what do these companies really need? A long-term solution that aligns their marketing effectively without breaking the bank or wasting unnecessary money and effort on tactics that aren’t specifically tailored for their business. What we came up with is yorCMO.

Basically, we serve as a Chief Marketing Officer(CMO) for a business – working with teams to create and implement an effective marketing strategy – without that company having to hire a full time marketing director. We are not selling a product. We are on the business owner’s side.

To this point, we created a system based on six fundamentals – our secret sauce, if you will – that aligns the various elements of a company (product, services, customers, sales, etc.) to consistently market and grow your business. It’s kind of like a how-to approach: we come in and show you how to market successfully and make sure a strategy can be implemented in a fractional way inside a company.

So, back to the question of why we started yorCMO? Because we love helping companies set targets, create a plan and process, and stay focused so they can grow. Because it’s how we run our own business. Because when you build a system that really works, why not use it to help others?

Are you looking to pivot, scale or exit your business? Get in touch with us today!