It’s a thrilling moment. You’ve put in the hard work, the late nights, the blood, sweat, and tears (not to mention the cash) in order to get your business running smoothly and finally the day comes where you see it – growth. Serious, steady growth. It feels great. Even so, you’re thinking about what comes next – scaling.

But scaling doesn’t come without having the proper building blocks to support that growth. And you need continued growth to keep those warm fuzzy feelings from evaporating fairly quickly.

We all know the old adage that you shouldn’t build a house on sand. A large structure requires a solid foundation. Scaling requires you to establish your marketing foundation, focusing on the fundamentals.

  1. Know where you are going – Do you have a picture in your mind of where you want your business to be six months down the road? How about in five years? You have to know what you want in order to build it correctly.
  2. Understand your buyer – Do you know who your target customer is today and in the future? Understanding your ideal client is key to determining how you approach that client in a way that translates to sales.
  3. Align sales & marketing – Your sales and marketing teams and objectives should be aligned and on the same page in order to streamline your success. Ultimately this alignment will be your guide to determining how and where to allocate to spend and focus.

Take away any one of these aspects and your marketing plan is on shaky ground. Scaling is exciting and so can be implementing the right strategy that will support it. With a solid marketing foundation in place, the future is nothing but bright.

Give me a shout and let’s talk about scaling your business!


About the Author:

Joe is co-founder of yorCMO. Prior to founding yorCMO in 2017, he began pioneering video for new media in 2007, writing the book, New Media Habits, and launching the first company to focus exclusively on new media video production in Omaha, NE. It took him 6 years of trial and error to find the right niche in the sea of social media – strategic video production for nonprofits; then 3 years of tinkering to develop a sustainable business model. Frost Media Group operates in both Omaha and Kansas City.