Living in the digital age brings exciting technological advances and opportunities for marketers to create exceptional and engaging user experiences. But no matter how cool digital tools and capabilities may be, one thing remains the same…brands need to make a GOOD first impression.

These days you not only have physical offices or storefronts to think about, you also have several digital ones. Your online presence is your avenue to existing clients, new customers, and establishing or maintaining your company’s reputation. With so much on the line, you should ask yourself – is your business following best practices across all your platforms?

In this digital age, where a world of information, products and services are a button-press away, it’s more important than ever to ensure that your messaging is reaching your ideal customer.

There are six different mediums we focus on when it comes to assessing your digital landscape.

  1. Website. This is your Company’s digital brand Hub. It’s the window to the best of your business that welcomes visitors, grabs attention, and sells potential buyers on the promise of what you can do for them. To let your website fall into disrepair (digitally speaking) can be a kiss of death for a burgeoning business, so things like site speed, responsiveness, and your call-to-action should be forefront on your mind.
  2. Search. In order to secure a new client, they first need to be able to find you. What steps have you taken toward search engine optimization? Are you tracking the right data to know whether your message is getting to the right viewers? What is your keyword rank? Are you converting searches into clicks and converting visitors to leads? Thinking through these questions will help you determine the best steps to consider for your search strategy.
  3. Social media. This is how you stay relevant and active in a customer’s mind in a way that delivers key information but also forms a more personal relationship. Sharing thought leadership and having ongoing conversations is important. When done right…consistent, on-brand, and helpful messaging invites clients and prospects to feel connected to your business.
  4. Reviews. In the flurry of activity focused on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, reviews are one of the most overlooked aspects of social media. There are a number of ways to encourage good reviews and ratings (other than simply being good at what you do), and also methods for managing negative reviews. But you have to pay close attention – and be poised to respond – in the first place.
  5. Email. It’s not enough to simply send emails. Your email campaigns should be carefully crafted both in terms of personalization, messaging and schedule. Plus, if you’re not tracking details like open rates and click-throughs and then adjusting your strategy accordingly, you might as well be throwing money down the drain.
  6. Paid media. It’s a major investment in your company’s future – it goes without saying that you’ll want to understand how best to leverage this medium to ensure you reach your target audience and drive conversions. Some examples of paid media channels include Google Adwords, Bingads, social media channel ads, etc.) Understanding where you target audience visits most is the goal in establishing a targeted paid media approach.

If you’re already on top of all of this – congrats. You’re ahead of the game. Still, there is always room for improvement, whether you’re full steam ahead on digital platforms or just gearing up.  When yorCMO reviews your company’s digital landscape, we’re not just providing a blanket set of recommendations. We provide an in-depth assessment of your digital assets to provide your team with an understanding of what’s working well and what key areas need to be addressed. From there, we formulate a detailed report and make recommendations based on all our findings.

Assess your Company’s Digital Landscape by downloading a “do it yourself” Digital Landscape Review Template: DOWNLOAD TODAY

Between Jamie, Joe, Suzie, and me, you have decades of executive-level marketing expertise at your disposal. Our combined talents draw from extensive experience across a variety of industries, which means we not only have a finger on the pulse of what’s happening in current markets, but we also have an eye toward the future. Your future.

About the Author:

Jay is co-founder of yorCMO.

Jay also founded Webtivity Group to help companies break through the confusion of how to effectively use their website and digital marketing efforts to meet their business objectives.

Jay is a successful digital marketing and ecommerce professional that helps companies across multiple industries grow revenue using a broad range of strategies. He has a deep understanding of the challenges companies face when trying to balance the diverse components of growing revenue across all marketing channels. He has been called “Tactegic” for his ability to blend strategic thinking and tactical execution to achieve measurable results.