Blog Post

Getting The Unsaid Said – Steven Gaffney

Getting The Unsaid Said – Steven Gaffney

Today’s guest is an author of six books on organizational communication and change, an expert in honest communication and resolving conflict, and a national speakers association certified speaking professional. Steven Gaffney is the President and CEO of the Steven Gaffney Company. Steven joins the show this week to sit down with Joe and discuss how to be a more effective communicator, give better feedback, and build stronger teams.

The Human On The Other Side – Casey Cheshire

The Human On The Other Side – Casey Cheshire

As companies get larger, C-suites get further and further away from the customer. Today’s guest is an Entrepreneur and a master conversationalist. Casey Cheshire is the author of the book “Marketing Automation Unleashed” and the CEO of Ringmaster Conversational Marketing. Casey joins host Joseph Frost to talk about how podcasts can get you a conversation with your ideal customer, and the value fractional team members can provide.

The Qualities That Make A Good Leader

The Qualities That Make A Good Leader

Some people can lead with an iron fist and be respected. Others trying to lead this way will hear a cacophony of grumbling and complaining rise from the ranks. Some can lead in a softer, more introverted way. But others who do that will start to feel like they’re herding cats.