If you’re a CEO or leader, it can be difficult to see where your marketing resources are best utilized. You likely aren’t involved in day-to-day marketing operations, making it difficult to plan for your team’s limited resources. When it comes to marketing budgets, it’s not about the cost but about the returns you see on these marketing expenses.
Blog Post
Ask a CMO: How to choose the right KPI’s?
Efficacy and impact are two essential areas of measurement for marketers. However, with every innovation in digital and traditional marketing, how do you know which KPIs are right for your business? Learn from a fractional CMO
Three Solutions For Measuring Marketing Success
Keep in mind that metrics aren’t one size fits all. Your tactical metrics and lead generation metrics will differ significantly from other businesses.
How Do You Know If Your Marketing Is Working?
Efficacy and impact are two essential areas of measurement for marketers. However, with every innovation in digital and traditional marketing, there’s a new corresponding suite of metrics to track those areas. How do you know which KPIs are right for your business? How do you avoid going down the path of self-congratulatory KPIs that do little to bolster confidence outside the boardroom?
Franchise Marketing: How a Proven Process Leads to Success
Some franchisees are very engaged in marketing while many are not, leading to irregularities and varying performances. Though providing franchisees some flexibility is essential, it’s also vital to ensure that there is consistency in each franchisees’ marketing strategies.
Ask a CMO: Why brand awareness is important to your company?
With so many brands out there, there’s a lot of competition for getting into the mind of your potential customers. Learn why effective branding is essential for your business growth.